About us
Who we are and what we can offer you
Aucklands Background
The Hart family has been the proud owners of Auckland’s care for over 30 years now. The home was originally named Auckland’s rest home when Lynn Hart became the registered provider of the establishment. Her husband Dave and their two children, Jonathan and Elizabeth also became partners in the business. Both Lynn and Dave are still actively involved in running the home, and Aucklands was the only home to secure a blocked booked contract with Bournemouth Borough Council to provide assessment and enablement beds.
The philosophy of both Dave and Lynn has always been to promote a person’s independence, optimize their confidence, and believe that everyone can be given the opportunity to remain in their own home for as long as they possibly can. This promotion of independence continues as Aucklands now provides long-term care for those with Dementia and those with other long-term physical and mental conditions. We encourage and support residents at Aucklands to live their lives as they wish to do so. We also respect your preferences, choices, dignity, and privacy, and remember that we are guests in YOUR home.
Meet Our Team
Lynn Hart
Auckland’s Registered Provider
Nicky Kilminster
Auckland’s Registered Manager
Auckland’s care prides itself on its dedicated, hard-working, and caring team who have received both in-house and external training in order to care for your loved ones the way they need to be cared for.
All of our staff have the following training:
We are also proud to say that we have only used agency staff on a few occasions in 30 years of ownership. We will always try to avoid using them as it is important to us that our residents receive the care and support they need from care staff that they know and feel comfortable as well as safe with.
Our relationship with our residents:
That is why we have a key worker system in place that enables residents and staff to develop these key relationships and help maintain links with family, friends and the local community.
Our Facilities